This we worked on and performed our open score. The rules to our score:
-If you are on a low lever move slowly
-If you are on a high lever move fast
-The transitions between levels has to be the most complicated route
-If a duet is left in the space the other dancers form a corridor to block there path of travel
-Everyone has their own mini score within the score
-At the start ask the audience for a number between 1-10
If you have an even number you start on the floor
If you have an odd number you start standing up
-Which every number you are given that is how many people you have to dance with before leaving the area
-You can only re-enter the space when you see two lifts.
From this we then had to work out how we would start and end the piece and link those in to the actual score. We decided as a class we would start off in a jam and after some time go into the score. One by one the dancers would go up to audience to ask for a number. To end the piece they again stagger off and sit amongst the audience leaving just a duet to come to a stillness.
The group performed the piece and the feedback we got was to work on the ending as we had myself leading the piece off out of the performance area. Emma was the only one that got lifted throughout the piece and also if you need to leave the space leave the space, when leaving the space stand neutral at the wings as you can still be seen. Also make sure you use all the space we tend not to come downstage.
With this feedback decided on a new ending stated above which worked really well when performed again. Again we need to spread out and use the whole stage.