Jamie Stover posed seven questions that we need to consider when structuring an improvisation to be seen by an audience. Stover makes key points such as how much do we want the audience to know as we dance and do we want them to see “my game rules”( Stover, 1989,185). I think Stover referring to my game rules is the score of the piece and whether the audience should know and be aware of the score. I like the thought of the audience be able to know the score and know what is happening but also if they didn’t know it would keep the asking why we did that and make the piece more interesting and exciting. I think this a question to ask when structuring your improvisation because the audience can have a role within the piece or not and that a choice we have to make.
Stover also poses the question should there be a particular purpose or not. If there is not a purpose does it then become people just dancing? The audience do not see a meaning or a reason for why they are dancing. The key points to Stover’s questions are what do we want the audience to know about the improvisation and what effect does it have on the audience.
When thinking about all the points Stover made, it made me more aware of the audience and the structure or the improvisation. I feel that it has made think more when structuring our open score.
Stover, J. (1989) Some Considerations when structuring an Improvisation (to be seen by an audience)